German Incense Smokers : German smoker

307 products

  • German Smoker
307 products
  • German Smoker
146/1634 - Postman Smoker
Frankenmuth Clock Company
146/1181 - Blacksmith Smoker
Frankenmuth Clock Company
146/1860/2 - Smoker - Gingerbread House
Frankenmuth Clock Company
146/928/8 - Smoker - Snowman with Sled
Frankenmuth Clock Company™
146/186S - Smoker Santa with Music Box Table & Toys
Frankenmuth Clock Company™
12755 - Smoker Captain
Frankenmuth Clock Company
136/513 - Smoker Hunter
Frankenmuth Clock Company
146/1107 Wine Vendor Smoker
Frankenmuth Clock Company
146/1726 - Firefighter Snail Smoker
Frankenmuth Clock Company
250/25 - Farmer on Green Tractor Smoker
Frankenmuth Clock Company
15016-Miner Smoker
15016 - Miner Smoker
Frankenmuth Clock Company
146/575 - Pharmacist Smoker
Frankenmuth Clock Company
146/1434/1 - Green & Red Train Smoker
146/1434/1 - Train Smoker
Frankenmuth Clock Company
146/283 - Doctor Smoker
Frankenmuth Clock Company™
Sale price 139.00 Regular price 199.00 Save 60
146/266 - Bee House Smoker
Frankenmuth Clock & German Gift Co.
146/262 - Large Bee Hive Smoker
Frankenmuth Clock & German Gift Co.
136/312 - Miniature Santa Smoker
Frankenmuth Clock & German Gift Co.
146/331BM - Smoker - Snowman With Tree
Frankenmuth Clock & German Gift Co.
136/040E - Mini Smoker - Snowman
Frankenmuth Clock & German Gift Co.
136/186/2 - Mini Smoker - Conductor
Frankenmuth Clock & German Gift Co.
136/471 - Mini Smoker - Fire Fighter
Frankenmuth Clock & German Gift Co.
136/068 - Mini Smoker - Man With Mushroom Hat
Frankenmuth Clock & German Gift Co.
136/067 - Mini Smoker - Magician
Frankenmuth Clock & German Gift Co.
136/428T - Mini Smoker - Railwayman
Frankenmuth Clock & German Gift Co.
136/040B - Mini Smoker - Dancing Snowman
Frankenmuth Clock & German Gift Co.
034/100/4 - Woodworker Smoker
Frankenmuth Clock & German Gift Co.
146/331B - Smoker - Snowman Broom
Frankenmuth Clock & German Gift Co.
146/331M - Smoker - Snowman with Cap
Frankenmuth Clock & German Gift Co.
146/1414 - Smoker House - Old Mill
Frankenmuth Clock & German Gift Co.
146/1267/34 - Snowman Smoker
Frankenmuth Clock & German Gift Co.
146/1670/39 - Firefighter Owl Smoker
Frankenmuth Clock & German Gift Co.
146/800 - Chimney Sweep Smoker
Frankenmuth Clock & German Gift Co.
146/1267/1 - Snowman With Bird Feeder Smoker
Frankenmuth Clock & German Gift Co.
136/510 - Mini Santa Smoker
Frankenmuth Clock & German Gift Co.
146/1670/19 - Owl Walker Smoker
Frankenmuth Clock & German Gift Co.
048/1901 - Dwarf Squirrel
Frankenmuth Clock & German Gift Co.
146/1711/7 - Doctor Smoker
Frankenmuth Clock & German Gift Co.
136/151/4 - Mini Smoker Dwarf
Frankenmuth Clock & German Gift Co.
146/1249N - Santa Smoker in Natural
Frankenmuth Clock & German Gift Co.
146/911/1F - Santa Smoker
Frankenmuth Clock & German Gift Co.

Have you ever wondered who came up with the idea of the German Smoker or why it’s been a popular German gift for centuries? Find out more about this traditional handmade wooden toy that has been a popular family tradition for generations.

The Use of Incense

A German Incense Smoker is much more than a simple toy that sits on your mantle during Christmas time. It’s also an incense burner that is used to symbolize the gift of incense brought to Jesus by the Three Wise Men. For centuries, incense has been seen as a treasured commodity and used for trade and as a way to honor kings. Incense was also believed to have medicinal and healing properties and used to ward off evil spirits. Frankincense and myrrh, which was presented to Jesus as a gift of honor from the Three Wise Men, were known to have antiseptic and inflammatory properties and were considered an effective remedy for many common ailments. Today, these gifts are still celebrated in Germany during the twelve days of Christmas festivities. On the last day, many people light incense and place them in their German Smokers to celebrate the gifts of The Wise Men and to mark the end of the Christmas season.

The German Smokers

The earliest German Smokers were made from dough and paper mache. Then in the late 1600s, the smokers were carved from one single piece of wood and made into tiny figurines that resemble typical German villagers. Even during the Swedish invasion in the 1600s, the tradition was never lost. Those who remained in the area turned their focus to making the German Smokers, along with a number of other popular German handmade toys and ornaments. Many of the best-known carving companies in the Erzgebirge area still make smokers today and this area is still known as the premier toy and collectible region of Europe.

Progression of the German Incense Smokers

Do you know what type of German Incense Smoker your family has? The first handmade wood pieces had a distinct area for incense to be placed on a tray next to the figurine. Later designs placed the incense directly inside the figurine by way of a small incense cone. In the late 1700s, the German smokers were updated to use two pieces of wood to create one body, with the cone placed inside to pull the smoke through the mouth of the figurine, much like seen today. Even to this day, the figurine has always been carved as a traditional German working man – miner, shepherd, farmer, carpenter, each with its own unique accents and colours.

Looking for a large range of German Smokers to hand out as gifts or to keep for yourself? Come see us at Frankenmuth Clock Company or try our online store today to find a great range of traditional German toys and ornaments. 

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